This is a new section dedicated to nice computer generated images. Enjoy it.

From order to chaos

The expression that generates this image is:

in+1 = r * in * (1- in)

In black color we show the value of i1. In bright red is indicated the value of i64. There is a transition of black to red to indicates the other values.

When the value of r is under 3, after some iterations, the value tends to a value, but when the value of r increases, the value "jumps" between two numbers. Increasing more the value of r, the more the jumps. When the value of r is near 4, its imposible to determine a tendency, the behaviour is chaotic.

Visual Basic Code

Copy this text into a new Visual Basic Form and run to generate the image:

' This code is freeware and you can use / modify / copy /

' trasmit it in any means.

' If you wish to public this code in your own page you can

' do it, but please keep this comment lines.

' Thanks, Darío.

' Check my site at http://www.dfl.com.ar/home.html for more fun stuff

' Send any comments to: dariolingotti (at) yahoo (dot) com (dot) ar

Private Sub Form_Resize()

Dim r As Double, i As Double


For r = 1 To 4.5 Step Screen.TwipsPerPixelX / Me.ScaleWidth

i = 0.0001

For q = 1 To 64

i = r * i * (1 - i)

If i < 0.000001 Then Exit For

If i > 1 Then i = 1

Me.PSet (r * Me.ScaleWidth / 5, i * Me.ScaleHeight), q * 3.5




End Sub